Music: We are the Ocean Born

Hey, have some more Vitrerran music why don'tcha!

So, this song is the main theme for The Scarfoam Coast, or our water area. I was trying to channel my inner Alestorm, and while I probably missed that mark by a wide margin, I am happy with what I got going here. This song was super fun to make!

What sets this one apart, I guess, is that it uses a new plugin called Sakura. Well, not "new" to the world but new to Dual Wield Software. It came with some awesome strings, including the violin and guitars you here in this song. I finally have an upright bass, guys. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Got a wicked nice harp too.

Pretty sure the Greyjoys liked to go "we are the iron born," so that's where the title is coming from. I'm finding it harder to pun off of A Song of Ice and Fire things as I make more tunes. I haven't read the books in a very long time.

Anyhow, cheers. Hope you like the song, and as always, follow us on twitter @DualWieldSoft, find us on FB, and some third thing. I dunno.

Song after the break!

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