We are both excited and happy to announce that the Steam community has shown enough interest in The Regret of Vitrerran to greenlight it!
Getting Greenlit on Steam was one of the biggest hurdles we thought our game would face, and not because of any quality concerns. Steam is a big platform, and there are thousands of people uploading games to be looked at and voted upon, and it's easy to get lost and forgotten in an environment like that.
As it turns out, we weren't lost or forgotten, and those facts are extremely humbling and gratifying, all in one. Thanks to all who clicked "YES," and thanks to everyone who shared.
And special things must go to my friend Cameron, who instead of donating to our first Kickstarter, bought adspace on a few corners of the internet . While the clicks we got didn't fund us, they did migrate over to our Greenlight page. I can only imagine that kind of support is what really got this off the ground, but since I'm not Valve and know little of their algorithms, I'm only speculating.
Either way, I want to toss him a thanks for being super supportive and awesome throughout this process. And hell, I'll thank Thomas, Daniel, David, Mike, my parents, and anyone else who's given us advice and words of encouragement.
Because while there's still a lot of game left to make, getting on Steam is a big milestone for us. To know that something we're working on will be listed on a service I use almost daily is...well, wonderful.